Thursday, June 16, 2011

An Apology

I feel like I owe you guys one. And by 'you guys,' I mean the small group of people who, out of love for me, make it a point to check this blog daily. I appreciate you. I really, really do. You're adorable. So this is me apologizing for not being better at updating my blog: I'm sorry.

Maybe I'm just making excuses for not being a better blogger, but I just haven't been in the right mood to do it lately. This blog is supposed to be about friendship and how much I love people. And while I do still love people, I find myself being very bitter lately. I don't know if I'm once again quietly slipping into one of my phases during which I tend to despise pretty much the entire human race and find it disgusting, or if people are just being weird.

Being social has been exhausting lately. I keep threatening to turn into a hermit. Sometimes I worry that people don't understand what it means to be a friend. And then I worry that maybe my standards of friendship are impossibly high. I seem to be disappointing a lot of people lately. I don't want this blog to be an obnoxious angst-y teenage vent-y space, so that's why I've been keeping my mouth shut and my cursor off the orange 'publish post' button. It's not about me. It's about my relationships with people. And right now, some of my relationships with people are exhausting.

But I digress.

On the upside, I just got back from Next to Normal for the second time. It was amazing again. And I'm really tired. I thought I was going to stay up and watch An Education, but that's not happening. Also, yesterday was a really cute day and an incredibly entertaining evening with Zachary and Jessica. When I'm less tired and in a better mood, I'll tell you all about how cute we are.

However, it is now time for me to go curl up in bed and read Something Borrowed. And you know what? Step off the chick lit. I like it.

1 comment:

  1. Lex. Zooey Deschanel would love the design of your blog.
